Make the most of your time

Meet your physician Doctor Nurse online

Simple and convenient to use

See your doctor from anywhere, just click their personalized room link (like domain,com/YourDrsName) to join them for a video call.

Simple and convenient to use

See your doctor from anywhere, just click their personalized room link (like domain,com/YourDrsName) to join them for a video call.

Simple and convenient to use

See your doctor from anywhere, just click their personalized room link (like domain,com/YourDrsName) to join them for a video call.

Simple and convenient to use

See your doctor from anywhere, just click their personalized room link (like domain,com/YourDrsName) to join them for a video call.

Simple and convenient to use

See your doctor from anywhere, just click their personalized room link (like domain,com/YourDrsName) to join them for a video call.

We’re on a mission to change telemedicine

Simple, accessible & free of charge

lectron  is free. No matter how many sessions